We have been covering the ill-effects of rent-control for some time now. Recently, the National Multifamily Housing Council issued an analysis of 2019’s housing market as well as looking forward into 2020. They rightly say that rent-control is an “existential threat to the industry” that needs to be a top priority. To that end, they identified anticipated threats across the nation. Indeed…
“Housing affordability has always been an issue for our country, but its spread beyond the coasts and to middle-income households has increased momentum behind calls for rent control and other draconian measures as a “quick fix” to the problem. Much is at stake for our industry as more than half of the total number of apartment units nationwide are at risk of potential new rent control regulations.”
“If 2019 proved anything, it’s that this has the potential to be an existential threat to the industry and something that needs to be a priority…”

Click here to read the full report at NMHC.org.