Author: Brad Beckett

Director of Education & Outreach, National Real Estate Investors Association

Lease-Options have moved from Main Street to Wall Street with former Goldman Sach’s Executives raising hundreds of millions in capital to finance lease options for approved candidates through their new company Home Partners. With scheduled rent and sale price increases in the contracts, participants know the cost and can walk away without a penalty should they choose. With $500 million in equity and expanding partnerships, look for this lease-option competitor to come to a community, primarily larger urban/suburban communities, soon! For more information see Rent-to-Own Homes Make a Comeback, WSJ 7/29/15 (subscription may be required)

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The laws of supply & demand manifest themselves in everything from eggs & gasoline prices to the number of vacant apartment units. Newly released Commerce Department data are showing that a drop in the U.S. Rental vacancy rate is precipitating a construction boom among builders as well as the expected effect of an increase in rental rates. The Wall Street Journal recently noted that “At a time when few investments offer much in the way of income, rising rents have helped make the landlord business more attractive.”  They also report that June saw the most multi-family unit housing starts since…

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The Wall Street Journal 7/28/15 Rental Demand Supplies Home-Building Opportunity “When supply is tight, prices rise, but when prices rise, more supply eventually comes along. This is true of commodities like pork bellies and oil. It also is true of apartments. And that is good news for shares of home builders.” Click here to read full article (subscription may be required).

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The U.S. Supreme Court, in a recent 5-4 decision held that disparate-impact-based discrimination claims are within the jurisdiction of the court and fall under the Fair Housing Act. The following link contains a detailed analysis of that decision by Harry J. Kelly, Esq., Nixon Peaboddy LLP (Washington D.C. Office). Nixon Peabody LLP Analysis of U.S. Supreme Court Disparate Impact Decision To view the entire U.S. Supreme Court decision, please click on the link below: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ET AL V . INCLUSIVE COMMUNITIES PROJECT, INC., ET AL.

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HousingWire is reporting that New York’s top bank regulator has concerns about the business practices of Ocwen Financial Services, a nonbank that has recently become a lightning rod for regulator intervention. According to the report: New York State’s Department of Financial Services Benjamin Lawsky’s move comes just four days after Ocwen CEO Bill Erbey said that Lawsky’s indefinite hold on the $2.7 billion MSR deal between Ocwen and Wells Fargo has put a freeze on all MSR deals in the market. Erbey made the statement during the conference call for Home Loan Servicing Solutions first-quarter earnings.  “Until we resolve –…

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The Wall Street Journal reports that “crowdfunding has caught on in a variety of industries, spurred in part by regulatory changes that make it easier for such businesses to look for investors.  In real estate, [Scott] Whaley says, the key advantages are the ability to access more deals, invest smaller sums and connect directly with developers to ask questions and research deals. Unlike real-estate investment trusts, crowdfunding also allows people to invest in particular buildings.” “The interest is huge,” says Scott Whaley, president of the National Real Estate Investors Association in Cincinnati. “There’s massive demand, both from entrepreneurs who want…

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