The pest control & rodent removers over at Orkin say for the 9th year in…
Browsing: News
The U.S. government is reporting that privately‐owned housing starts in September were at a seasonally…
The National Association of Realtors is reporting that existing home sales were down 2% in…
The Scotsman Guide is reporting that three real estate industry groups have banded together to…
In a recent media release, Redfin says they are taking steps to “end our support…
According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, total nonfarm payroll employment…
The U.S. government is reporting that total construction spending in August, 2023 was at a…
The latest S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price NSA Index reported a 1% annual…
The National Association of Realtors is reporting that pending home sales fell 7.1% in August,…
The U.S. Government is reporting that sales of new single-family houses in August, 2023 were…