What is an empty-nest baby boomer to do with all those extra rooms and free space? That’s the problem a new app called Nesterly seeks to solve. Basically, it helps these older homeowners with extra room connect with college students in need of housing. Interestingly, Nesterly even says renters can “…pay part of their rent by helping around the house…” We can imagine that cutting the grass is high on that list of barterable chores.
“Think Airbnb meets Angie’s List. For the older users, Nesterly will serve as a service app through which homeowners can search for potential renters based on the kind of help they need. And for students, the more time they offer, the lower their rent may be, depending on what’s agreed upon.” CityLab, Helping Boomers Find Millennial Roommates.

Click here to learn more about Nesterly.