The folks over at Fortunebuilders say there are several types of investment properties investors should become familiar with, including residential and commercial. Today’s infographic helps identify the various types in order to help investors determine what’s best for them. Happy Friday!!! Hat tip to FortuneBuilders.
Author: Brad Beckett
The Equity Trust Company, a leader in Self-Directed IRAs and a National REIA preferred benefits provider, recently released their list of the top 10 most & least expensive real estate markets for their clients. They say the states where Equity Trust clients have paid the most for real estate investments might even surprise you. Indeed… “The common factor in these stats is that each of these real estate investors took advantage of self-directed investing to make these purchases. Through a tax-advantaged account, they were able to fund their purchase, and any profits flow back into their account, tax-free or tax-deferred.”…
Here’s one that will make you think twice about that next flip. A group of real estate investors in suburban Philadelphia discovered a booby-trapped swinging knife that could have either killed or seriously wounded someone walking up the stairs. According to news reports, the investors were checking out out an abandoned house they had just purchased to rehab when one of them them noticed a peculiarity on the staircase. Interestingly, they were filming the inspection tour and caught the whole thing on video. Indeed…. A staircase inside the three-bedroom home was rigged with a line of string, running parallel and…
According to recent data, the number of mortgages across the country that are in a state of “serious delinquency” continue to fall. The NAHB’s Eye on Housing blog analyzed the numbers from a recent Mortgage Bankers Association report that said in 2018, non-seasonally adjusted serious delinquency rates of conventional and government-insured loans continued to follow a downward trajectory. Indeed… “The overall national mortgage delinquency rate in the fourth quarter was at its lowest level since the first quarter of 2000,” said Marina Walsh, MBA’s Vice President of Industry Analysis. “What’s even more noteworthy, the delinquency rate dropped from the previous…
Which suburbs have seen the largest boom in renters? A recent report at RENTcafe analyzed data from Yardi and the U.S. Census Bureau to show which suburbs have led the way in the growth of rentals. They looked into renter population changes between 2011 and 2016 to uncover the suburbs that peaked the most and analyzed the changes in rental prices. From their research, they determined that the suburbs with a high influx of renters have also seen rents rise at a faster than the average pace. Go figure… “During the past few years, there has been a notable increased…
Taking place this week in the Caribbean is National REIA’s annual educational conference and cruise – aka “a vacation with an education!” With that in mind, a recent post on found the best affordable Caribbean beach towns to buy a home – or maybe a rental? The towns they’ve identified have what they call a solid mix of safety, affordability, great beaches, and easy-going real estate rules. Their criteria included price per square meter, crime rates, life expectancy, population growth, and economic factors…just to name a few. Of course they ruled out highly restricted and/or unstable places like Cuba and…
We have had several recent posts about the economic condition of the home flipping market. With that in mind, a recent post on BizWomen says that in several housing markets there is a shortage of distressed and run-down properties that is making it harder for house flippers to find profits. They point out that profits from flipping have shrunk to 38% from 42% over purchase prices, however they add that they’re actually lower when you factor in the renovation and remodeling costs. And, as always, we have to mention that one elusive generational cohort’s effect on the market: “, while…
A homeowner in Westborough, Massachusetts that was having rehab work on her home got more than she bargained for. According to Boston TV’s Channel 25, when contractors were performing the work on the 19th century home they discovered a trove of dozens of historical letters and items from the 1870s behind one of the walls. Apparently, the items fell through from the attic at some point and remained hidden and in remarkably good shape all these years. No word on whether the potential value of the find is able to cover the rehab costs. The letters are written from sons…
According to ATTOM Data’s 2018 U.S. Home Sales Report, people that sold a home in 2018 realized an average home price gain (since purchase) of $61k, representing a 12-year high. The report says that the $61k average home seller profit represented an average 32.6% return on investment, which was the highest average home seller ROI since 2006. “While 2018 was the most profitable time to sell a home in more than 12 years, those along the coasts, reaped the most gains. However, those are the same areas where homeowners are staying put longer,” said Todd Teta, chief product officer at…
Where are the richest and poorest counties in every state? The folks over at personal loan provider Titlemax took a deep dive into the poorest and wealthiest counties in America and ranked them by median income at the county level. The more green a county, the more “green” it has…..the more pink means less “green,” go figure. Happy Friday!!! Hat tip to Titlemax.