Author: Denny Dobbins

Denny Dobbins is Legal Counsel for Rent Perfect and a private investigator. Subscribe to the weekly Rent Perfect Podcast (available on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts) to stay up to date on the latest industry news and for expert tips on how to manage your properties.

Property Protection Starts with The Crime-Free Addendum By Denny Dobbins It’s 1:00 am, the phone rings, you recognize the number as your old neighbor Rob, who now lives next door to your tenants since you turned your former home into a rental property.  He tells you that SWAT just kicked in the front door of your property and is dragging the tenant and about 20 other people out onto the front lawn in handcuffs.  You ask out loud to no one in particular, “Could I have prevented this?”  Although tenants can and will do just about anything in your property,…

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