You’re going to be hearing a whole lot about Opportunity Zones in the near future – if you’re not already talking about them. They are, perhaps, one of the greatest opportunities for investors of all stripes in quite some time. An Opportunity Zone is an economically-distressed community where new investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for preferential tax treatment, that were created by Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on December 22, 2017. They are an economic development tool designed to spur economic development and job creation in distressed communities.
To that end, the IRS recently put out a FAQ sheet about them and you can also download a spreadsheet listing all of the zones (by Census Tract) all across the nation. Now the cool part; The interactive map featured below (from allows you to zoom-in and click on a specific Census Tract that in-turn opens a popup window with information about the Opportunity Zone, Census Tract information, as well as demographic data such as population, density, number of households, average household size, and occupancy (total housing, vacant units, owner-occupied units, occupied rental units).

Click here to view the above map on
Click here to read the IRS’ Frequently Asked Questions about Opportunity Zones.
Click here to download a list of all Designated Qualified Opportunity Zones across the country