Author: Jeffery S. Watson

Jeffery S. Watson is an attorney who has had an active trial and hearing practice for more than 25 years. As a contingent fee trial lawyer, he has a unique perspective on investing and wealth protection. He has tried over 20 civil jury trials and has handled thousands of contested hearings. Jeff has changed the law in Ohio four times via litigation. Read more of his viewpoints at "If knowledge is the new currency, then Wisdom = Wealth." ©

The Investor Friendly Title Company By Jeffrey S. Watson In my practice of helping real estate investors, particularly self-directed IRA investors, hardly a week goes by that I don’t hear or read the phrase “investor-friendly title company.”  When I do, my head often cocks to one side, like a dog who hears or sees something he just doesn’t quite understand. Here are several thoughts I have for those who use that phrase. Are you seeking an “investor-friendly title company” because you are attempting to do something outside the norms of commerce? The answer is probably not.  Very little that an…

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Management Matters By Jeffery S. Watson I’m dictating this while on my way to meet with a contractor and a tenant to collect 3 months of unpaid rent before having lunch with my oldest son. The tenant had stopped paying rent due to a COVID illness and domestic issues. When I commented in an online forum that a tenant of mine was this far behind in her rent but was current on her $625 a month car payment, it was interesting to see the reactions my comment provoked. Many said, “Evict her!” or “Throw her out!” or “Ask her if she wants…

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Litigation To Successfully Challenge The CDC Eviction Moratorium By Jeffery S. Watson There are two important legal concepts that apply to every lawsuit:  standing and jurisdiction.  For a person to be a party to a lawsuit, such as a Plaintiff, they must have actual standing.  In the case of challenging the CDC moratorium, they have to be a landlord with tenants who have filed the affidavit recommended by the CDC, and these tenants are not paying full rent.  Obviously, a national association such as the National Association of Real Estate Investors (NREIA) does not qualify to have standing to bring…

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