We’ve had several posts about “Tiny Houses” but this one pushes the concept over a bit over the edge. Apparently, a condo owner in New York City turned his small apartment in to what the NY Post dubs a “mini-village” by converting it into an illegal duplex with 11 sub-units with ceilings as low as 4 and a half feet. The landlord even put up protective bubble-wrap to keep residents from hitting their heads on the [now]low-hanging pipes (how nice). According to the article, the unit was raided and shutdown by local authorities citing numerous code violations. In addition, the unit also shared an illegal bathroom. Indeed….You can’t make this stuff up:
“The units lacked light, ventilation, fire protection systems and proper egress, the spokesman said….I’ve never seen air conditioners stacked atop one another like that — five air conditioners in three windows,” said Kallos, upon reviewing a photo of the building’s exterior.”

Click here to read the full story at the NY Post.